I was turned gay sex stories

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And I’m happy to recount (most of) them to my friends as we laugh at a wild and misspent youth. All that drinking leads to some pretty hilarious tales though.

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I went to Vegas to celebrate, I hit a few bars, but really, the novelty of drinking wore of at 12:01am on my birthday. I drank so much in high school that by the time I turned twenty-one it was a bore. I hate wearing things that show too much skin, I’m not crazy about tons of makeup when I go out and I actually rarely put any one at all. The truth is, for all my foul language and snarky behavior, I’m surprisingly conservative in real life. And my friends love to have me tell them.

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I mean, really, who doesn’t love a story about something crazy? Everyone loves to have a really great laugh about the various follies of their youth, their wild behavior or random indescrestions.

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