Downtown nashville gay bars

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Located in Printer’s Alley, Dragville Brunch Party features local food, drink specials, drag bingo, performances, and karaoke with the Queen. The BYOB wheels go round and round on The Big Drag Bus departing Church Street for a 90-minute excursion around town filled with performances, laughs, games, and a chance to get to know someone maybe you wouldn’t have otherwise. See how drag has evolved into the art form it is today over brunch on Second Avenue’s Illusions: The Drag Queen Show. On the drag front, Nashville celebrates its talented queens at some of the hottest shows in town. You can support Nashville’s local LGBTQ+ community by giving business to any one of the numerous queer-owned businesses in the city, and by visiting its queer bars, spaces, and drag venues. ( Here is a complete listing of the festivities.) But you don’t have to wait until September to join in a hearty “y’all means all” rally cry. The month of June marks an International Pride Month, but because Nashville is just now waking up from its COVID-19 slumber, the Nashville Pride Festival and Parade is actually slated for September 18-19, 2021 at Bicentennial Capitol Mall and Park.

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